Post-Training- Weapons,Woes, and Bears

Phone, Keys, Wallet, Bo, Mask, and Sai

Sal and Jon talk about recent events, training, Kobudo as a stand alone curriculum, bears, and the kindness of strangers. Enjoy!

Full video here:

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Episode 64- Build it and they will come

Fighting hangovers, traditions, and apes.

In this special episode, James and Jon discuss building communities and venues for Okinawa Karate and martial arts practice, the real struggles creating them, and how persistent issues of style and system can get overcome by them. And finally answering who would win, apes or centaurs. Enjoy!

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Episode 63-Inevitabilites

In this episode, Sal and Jon discuss inevitabilities in training, taking into consideration where our teachers are when we actually meet them, as opposed to the ideals we tend to make of them, and ultimately having those ideals broken down by reality. Also slight digressions on Patrick Swayze and the Bay of Pigs. Enjoy!

Opening Theme written, composed and performed by Azuma Madoka

Transition theme: J1-Floridian Fighting Bear           

Closing theme:     sawsquarenoise- Towel Defense Ending

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Episode 62-Language and Analogy

In this exciting episode, Dan and Jon explore martial arts and the infamous language analogy. What would a native speaker of martial arts be, what would they say, and could they be understood. And is analogy even a good thing to use. All this and a mini-review of the 2019 film "Art of Self-Defense" Enjoy!

Opening Theme written, composed and performed by Azuma Madoka

Transition theme: Nihilore-Hope for Change              

Closing theme:     Keshco - Obsolete

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Episode 61- Wants and Needs

Horses and carts, where are we putting them?

In this exciting episode, Jeremy and Jon probe needs and wants of training. What do we need? What do we want? Does getting what we need cause an premature peak in our performance as martial artists? And how can we get around this horse and cart situation? All this and some Night Court references! Enjoy! 

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Episode 61 teaser

Too much in both directions

What happens when progress, improvement, and even success are in fact hinderances? Can success lead to self-defeat? Here we talk about the balance, and continuing to be hungry. Enjoy!

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Episode 60-Kyoshi Kais and Boys clubs

Organizing mediocrity

In this exciting episode, we get into a discussion of the darker shades of organizations, the issues that plague them, specifically around when a few people have control and turn it into a boys club. And how this is somewhat comparable to the current situation with the Olympics. Enjoy!

Music used in episode:

Karate Without Belts opening theme- Madoka Azuma

Incoming Transition-The Whole Other


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Performance Breakdown-Karate Without Belts-Episode 59

Performance issues of all kinds

In this exciting episode, Jeremy and Jon breakdown what performance is, both under pressure fighting to save your life, and in front of others. We go into what factors into performance, what are the things that most effect it, and how can it be improved. And introduce new terms powder puff and kata whore into the podcast canonical lexicon. Enjoy!

Opening theme by Madoka Azuma:

Transition and ending music in the following order:

Rowan Jane-Transition

Uncan- To Fight

Monroeville Music Center-Cloud Fight 2

All three songs provided courtesy of

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Imagination-Karate Without Belts-Episode 58

Pictures in your head

In this episode, Jeremy and Jon discuss a bit of what peoples image of Karate of, both based on their imaginations, Karate in the imagination of culture and how that impacts peoples view of karate, and how our imagines of ourselves and Karate effect training. Enjoy!

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B-Side: Kombat Cast

All that anger for one laser eye.

In this exciting B-Side, Bobby and Jon discuss the latest Mortal Kombat movie, it's pitfalls, it's short comings, and how it could have been so much better. Enjoy!

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